Woody Allen

Woody Allen

Woody Allen has announced his retirement from filmmaking

Woody Allen has announced his retirement from filmmaking told that he intends for his next film to be his last,

 and that he’ll then focus more on writing, as he would like to work on a novel.

He said his 50th and final film, one which he previously has said will film in France later this year, will be similar in tone to his 2005 thriller Match Point.

The filmmaker, known for his prolific output of titles, has seen his popularity in the U.S. 

The filmmaker, known for his prolific output of titles, has seen his popularity in the U.S. 

Allen described his upcoming film to be similar to “Match Point,” in that it would be “exciting, dramatic and also very sinister.

In his long career, Allen has received a record-breaking 16 Oscar nominations for Best Screenplay

He has won four Academy Awards, including one for Best Director for Annie Hall (1977)

In recent years, he has been blacklisted for many following allegations made by his former partner Mia Farrow that he molested their child

Allen has always denied the allegations and continued to work.

His most recent film was Rifkin’s Festival, which grossed just $2.3 million, reaching the U.S.